Ubuntu Asahi

Ubuntu Asahi Code of Conduct

Ubuntu Asahi follows the Asahi Linux’s Code of Conduct, as interpreted below, and follows the Ubuntu Code of Conduct v2.0. All Ubuntu Asahi members are held accountable to these code of conducts. As part of becoming an official Ubuntu Flavor, lead Ubuntu Asahi members must sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.

Like many Open Source projects and the greater FLOSS community, Ubuntu Asahi is a collaborative open source community comprised of a diverse group of contributors and users from around the globe. We find the contributions, collaborations, and mentorships within our community to be the essential lifeblood of our project and appreciate the efforts of those who participate to nurture and grow those, and all other aspects of our community.

However, when a large and sufficiently diverse group of people work together, there are often cultural, communication, and compatibility issues. In order to minimize conflict, and provide a framework for resolution, we have a brief code of conduct that we ask all participants in the Ubuntu Asahi community adhere to. These rules should apply to everyone, regardless of station within the community, and anyone can serve to remind, or ask the project leads to help resolve issues.

No list is ever exhaustive, so we encourage members of the Ubuntu Asahi community to adhere to the spirit, rather than the letter, of this code, as that is how it will be enforced. Places where this code may be particularly applicable are GitHub issues and pull requests, IRC, ActivityPub or Twitter discussions broadly directed at or between members of the community, and other direct interactions within the community. Any violations, especially continued or flagrant offenses, may affect an individual’s (or organization’s) ability to participate within the Ubuntu Asahi community.

If you feel that someone is in violation of the code of conduct, whether in letter or in spirit, we request that you email as detailed a description as possible of the offense and offending party/parties to [email protected]. If you have questions, concerns, or any other inquiries please feel free to contact the project leads.

A large fraction of Ubuntu Asahi consists of contributions to upstream projects. All Ubuntu Asahi contributors are expected to adhere to the respective upstream Codes of Conduct when interacting with such projects, or developing code intended for upstreaming.



  1. Except in flagrant or otherwise egregious cases, the first infraction will result in a verbal warning. Everyone slips up or acts out of frustration at times, we just ask that you work to not repeat the behavior.

  2. A second infraction (or more flagrant first offense, as determined by the project leaders) will have an anonymized summary of the interaction published as a way to educate the community and serve as a reminder that adverse behavior will not be tolerated.

  3. A third infraction (or especially egregious first offense, as determined by the project leaders) will result in temporary suspension from all avenues of Ubuntu Asahi community participation for 4 weeks. This will include, but is not limited to, IRC, mailing list and GitHub issues/PRs.

  4. Continued infractions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, but could result in permanent suspension from the Ubuntu Asahi community.

This text is adapted from Asahi Linux’ Code of Conduct, which itself credits Ceph, which credits Django Project for the original inspiration of this document and the Ada Initiative for expanding the fight for equality and civility within FLOSS communities and beyond.